
《中國給水排水》2024年水環(huán)境保護與可持續(xù)發(fā)展大會暨 上海水業(yè)嘉年華
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張修峰,博士、研究員、博士生導師 暨南大學生態(tài)學系/水生生物研究中心主任;熱帶亞熱帶水生態(tài)工程教育部工程研究中心常務副主任;國際湖沼學會 (International Society of L

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2023-11-29  來源:中國水協(xié)團體標準《城鎮(zhèn)污水資源與能源回收利用技術規(guī)程》宣貫會  瀏覽次數(shù):106
核心提示:張修峰,博士、研究員、博士生導師 暨南大學生態(tài)學系/水生生物研究中心主任;熱帶亞熱帶水生態(tài)工程教育部工程研究中心常務副主任;國際湖沼學會 (International Society of Limnology, SIL) 中國理事(National Representative of China);中國生態(tài)學學會淡水生態(tài)專業(yè)委員會副主任、秘書長;中國生態(tài)學學會咨詢工作委員會委員;中國環(huán)境科學學會生態(tài)環(huán)境修復專業(yè)委員會委員
中國給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術與應用高級研討會(第十五屆)邀請函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會、工業(yè)污泥大會、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會)

中國給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術與應用高級研討會(第十五屆)邀請函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會、工業(yè)污泥大會、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會)




Email: xfzhang111@jnu.edu.cn



 暨南大學生態(tài)學系/水生生物研究中心主任;熱帶亞熱帶水生態(tài)工程教育部工程研究中心常務副主任;國際湖沼學會 (International Society of Limnology, SIL) 中國理事(National Representative of China);中國生態(tài)學學會淡水生態(tài)專業(yè)委員會副主任、秘書長;中國生態(tài)學學會咨詢工作委員會委員;中國環(huán)境科學學會生態(tài)環(huán)境修復專業(yè)委員會委員。主要從事水體富營養(yǎng)化與富營養(yǎng)化水體生態(tài)修復機理研究。先后主持國家重點研發(fā)計劃政府間國際科技創(chuàng)新合作重點專項、國家自然科學基金面上項目,青年基金項目、973項目子課題、中國博士后基金特別資助、廣東省自然科學基金等20余項;發(fā)表論文90+篇部,其中SCI 40+篇,包括Water Research, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries等;特邀主編專輯三部即Special Issue of Frontiers in Environmental Sciences: Freshwater Science Special Issue of Water。長期講授本--《淡水生態(tài)學》《湖沼學》《水域生態(tài)學》等課程;應邀連續(xù)三屆召集(Co-chairs)國際湖沼學會大會專題會議;與國際上20多個國家的同行建立了密切聯(lián)系,具有廣泛的國際交流與合作基礎。

—―― 研究方向 ―――




—―― 講授課程 ―――







—―― 學習及工作經(jīng)歷 ―――

2005.07–               暨南大學生態(tài)學系,助理研究員、副研究員、研究員

2014.11-2016.05       美國康奈爾大學,訪問學者


2011.07-2011.10       加拿大滑鐵盧大學(University of Waterloo),訪學

2008.07–2013.08     中國科學院南京地理湖泊研究所博士后

2008.10-2008.12       丹麥國立環(huán)境科學研究所/Arhus大學,訪問研究

2002.09-2005.07       華東師范大學,河口海岸國家重點實驗室,生態(tài)學博士



—―― 主持科研項目 ―――


1.       國家重點研發(fā)計劃政府間國際科技創(chuàng)新合作重點專項(2022YFE0122100):基于牧食作用調控的富營養(yǎng)化水體生物修復技術研究

2.      廣東省自然科學基金(2016A030313103):濾食性雙殼類對淺水湖泊底棲-水層耦合作用的影響

3.      國家自然科學基金(31570456):濾食性雙殼類對淺水湖泊底棲-水層耦合作用的影響:水體變清的機理

4.      國家自然科學基金(31100339):底棲藻類對淺水湖泊沉積物/水層磷循環(huán)的調節(jié)過程及機理:基于放射性同位素示蹤研究

5.     中國博士后科學基金特別資助(2012T50494):底棲藻對沉積物磷釋放的抑制機理:32P示蹤研究

6.      973項目(2008CB418104)子課題:底棲動物群落結構變化對沉積物-水層耦合過程中磷交換的影響

7.      中國博士后科學基金面上項目:底棲藻類對淺水生態(tài)系統(tǒng)沉積物/水層磷循環(huán)的調節(jié)

8.      江蘇省博士后基金:底棲藻類在泥-水界面營養(yǎng)鹽循環(huán)的作用及其對藍藻水華的響應

—―― 近五年主要論文 ―――



1.      Wang PF, Zhang XF, Yin HB, Jeppesen E, Liu ZW. The effects of benthic-pelagic coupling on shallow lake ecosystems: Implications for lake management. Frontiers in Environmental Science: Freshwater Science: 2022. 10:1084861. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.1084861

2.    Tang YL, Wang SR, Jin XT, Zhou DY, Lin QQ, Liu ZW, Zhang XF, Dumont HJ. Extensive Carbon Contribution of Inundated Terrestrial Plants to Zooplankton Biomass in a Eutrophic Lake. Microbial Ecology. Doi: 10.1007/s00248-022-02089-3

3.    Mei XY, Gao SS, Liu Y, Hu J, Razlustkij V, Rudstam LG, Jeppesen E, Liu ZW, Zhang XF*. Effects of elevated temperature on resources competition of nutrient and light between benthic and planktonic algae. Frontiers in Environmental Sciences: Freshwater Science. doi: 10.3389/fenvs. 2022.908088

4.    Zhang LQ, Mei XY, Tang YL, Razlutskij V, Peterka J, Taylor WD, Naselli-Flores L, Liu ZW, Tong CF, Zhang XF*. Effects of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) on phytoplankton community structure and water quality: a short-term mesocosm study. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. Doi.10.1051/kmae/2022009

5.   Rong YQ, Tang YL, Ren LJ, Taylor WD, Razlutskij V, Naselli-Flores L, Liu ZW and Zhang XF*. Effects of the filter-feeding benthic bivalve Corbicula fluminea on plankton community and water quality in aquatic ecosystems: a mesocosm study. Water. 2021,13(13): 1827

6.    Razlutskij V, Mei XY, Maisak N, Sysova E, Lukashanets D, Makaranka A, Jeppesen E, Zhang XF. Omnivorous carp (Carassius gibelio) increase eutrophication in part by preventing development of large-bodied zooplankton and submerged macrophytes. Water. 2021, 13(11): 1497

7.    Tang YL, Zhou DY, Su L, Liu ZW, Zhang XF, Dumont HJ. Vallisneria natans detritus supports Daphnia magna somatic growth and reproduction under addition of periphyton. Aquatic Ecology. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10452-021-09846-5

8.    Zhang XF, Tong CF, Taylor WD, Rudstam LG, Jeppesen E, Bolotov I, Bespalaya YV, Razlutskij V, Mei XY, Liu ZW. Does differential phosphorus processing by plankton influence the ecological state of shallow lakes? Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 769: 144357

9.    Huang YH, Mei XY, Rudstam LG, Taylor W D, Urabe J, Jeppesen E, Liu ZW, Zhang XF*. Effects of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) on water quality in aquatic ecosystems: an experimental mesocosm study. Water. 2020.

10.  Zhu MM, Zhang XF*. The potential persistence of abundant submerged macrophyte and phytoplankton in a shallow system at very high nutrients loading: Results from a mesocosm study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-09248-4

11.  Qiu XC, Mei XY, Razlutskij V, Rudstam LG, Liu ZW, Tong CF, Zhang XF*. Effects of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) on water quality in aquatic ecosystems dominated by submerged plants: a mesocosm study. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1051/kmae/2019017

12.  Tang YL, Fu BZ, Zhang XF*, Liu ZW. Nutrient addition delivers growth advantage to Hydrilla verticillata over with Vallisneria natans - a mesocosm study. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1051/kmae/2018046

13.  Ye JL, Tang YL, Zhang XF, Zhong P and Liu ZW. Omnivorous shrimp Neocaridina denticulata sinensis enhances the growth of submerged macrophyte Vallisneria denseserrulata. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1051/kmae/2019025

14.  Liu ZW, Hu JR, Zhong P, Zhang XF, Ning JJ, Larsen SE, Chen DY, Gao YM, He H, Jeppesen E. Successful restoration of a tropical shallow eutrophic lake: strong bottom-up but weak top-down effects recorded. Water Research. 2018, 146: 88-97

15.  Tang YL, Yang XQ, Xu RH, Zhang XF, Liu ZW, Zhang YD, Dumont HJ. Heterotrophic microbes upgrade food value of a terrestrial carbon resource for Daphnia magna. Limnonology and Oceanography. 2018. doi: 10.1002/lno.11052

16.  Zhang XF, Mei XY, Gulati RD. Effects of omnivorous tilapia on water turbidity and primary production dynamics in shallow lakes: implications for ecosystem management. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 2017, 27: 245-254

17.  Zhang XF, Tang YL, Jeppesen E, Liu ZW. Biomanipulation-induced reduction of sediment phosphorus release in a tropical shallow lake. Hydrobiologia. 2017. 794(1): 49-57

18.  Jensen M, Liu ZW, Zhang XF, Reitzel K, Jensen HS. The effect of biomanipulation on phosphorus exchange between sediment and water in shallow, tropical Huizhou West Lake, China. Limnologica. 2017, 63:65-73.

19.  Zhang XF, Taylor WD, Rudstam LG. Herbivorous snails can increase water clarity by stimulating growth of benthic algae. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017. 24: 24698-24707

20.  Mo SQ, Zhang XF*, Tang YL, Liu ZW, Kettridge N. Effects of snails, submerged plants and their coexistence on eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. 2017. DOI: 10.1051/kmae/2017034

21.    梅雪英, Vladimir Razlutskij, Lars G. Rudstam, Erik Jeppesen, 唐雅麗張修峰*, 劉正文雜食性魚類對淺水水體底棲-水層生境耦合作用的影響研究進展.湖泊科學.2021.33(3): 667-674

22.    趙建剛肖林許德麟許忠能張修峰林秋奇答辯式教學法在水域生態(tài)學實驗教學中的探索與實踐實驗科學與技術, 2021, 19(1): 82-86.

23.    朱明明范存祥吳中奎邱小常黃業(yè)輝榮玉琴趙建剛鐘文張修峰*. 海珠國家濕地公園浮游植物群落結構時空變化.生態(tài)學雜志. 2020, 39(5): 1501-1508

24.    黃業(yè)輝,范存祥,吳中奎,邱小常,朱明明,榮玉琴,林志斌,趙建剛,張修峰*.廣州市海珠濕地大型底棲動物群落物種組成和分布初探濕地科學. 2020, 18(2): 200–206

25.    劉正文,張修峰,陳非洲、杜英珣,關保華,于謹磊,何虎,張永東淺水湖泊底棲-敞水生境耦合對富營養(yǎng)化的響應與穩(wěn)態(tài)轉化機理:對湖泊修復的啟示.湖泊科學2020, 32(1): 1-10

26.    吳中奎,邱小常,張修峰*,劉正文,唐雅麗富營養(yǎng)化淺水湖泊生態(tài)修復中背角無齒蚌對水質改善的影響湖泊科學.2018, 30(6): 1610-1615

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