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祝淑敏 副教授岳麓學者 所在單位 : 土木工程學院| 學科 : 土木工程 副教授、碩士生導師、岳麓學者 專業(yè):市政工程/給水排水工程

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2023-03-31  來源: 祝淑敏 副教授岳麓學者 所在單位 : 土木工程學院| 學科  瀏覽次數(shù):154
核心提示: 祝淑敏 副教授岳麓學者 所在單位 : 土木工程學院| 學科 : 土木工程 副教授、碩士生導師、岳麓學者 專業(yè):市政工程/給水排水工程 學歷:工學



所在單位 : 土木工程學院|學科 : 土木工程
更新 : 2023-03-18人氣 : 13139








2015-2019,同濟大學 市政工程專業(yè),獲工學博士學位


2011-2014,同濟大學 市政工程專業(yè),獲工學碩士學位

2007-2011,同濟大學 給水排水工程專業(yè),獲工學學士學位


2022.12 - 至今,  湖南大學土木工程學院,副教授

2019.8-2022.12,  湖南大學土木工程學院,助理教授

2021.1- 2022.2,  國家自然科學基金委 


《中國化學快報》(Chinese Chemical Letters)青年編委

 國際水協(xié)會中國青年委員會(IWA China-YWP)新星計劃成員


Water Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal等SCI期刊審稿人







[1] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,飲用水中有機氯胺光化學轉化機制及同步去除有機微污染物研究,2023-2025,主持

[2] 湖南省自然科學基金,紫外輻射同步去除飲用水中亞氯酸鹽和有機微污染物機理研究,2021-2023,主持

[3] 長沙市自然科學基金,飲用水組合消毒工藝中亞硝胺副產物生成機制與控制研究,2020-2022,主持

[4] 國家重點實驗室開放課題,紫外輻照去除飲用水中亞氯酸鹽機理和控制研究,2021-2023,主持

[5] 青年教師成長計劃項目,基于紫外的高級氧化工藝去除水體典型污染物的特性、動力學模型及消毒副產物生成研究,2019-2023,主持

[6] 橫向項目,排水管網(wǎng)問題診斷修復技術研究,2022,主持

[7] 國家重點研發(fā)計劃子課題,模塊化海咸水關鍵凈化技術集成與整裝成套裝備開發(fā),2019年~2022年,研究骨干

[8] 國家“十二五”科技重大水專項子課題,“蘇州城市及城鄉(xiāng)統(tǒng)籌供水管網(wǎng)與二次供水的水質保障技術研究與示范”(2012ZX07403-001),已結題,研究骨干

[9] 中德清潔水創(chuàng)新研究項目之“中德供水網(wǎng)絡-從源頭到龍頭的清潔水”(2016YFE0123700), 已結題,研究骨干





Bingzhi Dong, Tian Li, Huaqiang Chu, Huan He, Shumin Zhu, Junxia Liu. Drinking water treatment: New membrane technology, De Gruyter,2021. ISBN 978-3-11-059559-8.



[1] Yangtao Wu, Weiqiu Zhang, Lingjun Bu, Shumin Zhu*, Jue Wang, Shiqing Zhou. UV-induced activation of organic chloramine: Radicals generation, transformation pathway and DBP formation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 421 (2022):126459.

[2] Yuanxi Huang, Lingjun Bu*, Yangtao Wu, Shumin Zhu*, Shiqing Zhou, Zhou Shi, Dionysios D. Dionysiou. Degradation of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in UV/Sodium Percarbonate Process: Kinetic Understanding of Carbonate Radical and Energy Consumption Evaluation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 442 (2022): 135995.

[3] Yangtao Wu, Dongxu Qu, Lingjun Bu, Shumin Zhu*, Shiqing Zhou. Enhanced trichloronitromethane formation during chlorine-UV treatment of nitrite-containing water by organic amines. Science of The Total Environment, 853 (2022):158304.

[4] Shiqing Zhou, Jiamin Huang, Lingjun Bu, Guangchao Li, Shumin Zhu*. Degradation of β-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) by UV/peracetic acid system: Influencing factors, degradation mechanism and DBP formation. Chemosphere, 307 (2022) : 136083.

[5] Jue Wang, Shumin Zhu*, Yangtao Wu, Da Sheng, Lingjun Bu, Shiqing Zhou. Insights into the wavelength-dependent photolysis of chlorite: Elimination of carbamazepine and formation of chlorate. Chemosphere, 288 (2022) : 132505.

[6] Jue Wang, Ling Li, Shumin Zhu*, Lei Zhu, Lingjun Bu, Da Sheng, Wei Zhang*, Shiqing Zhou. Impact of nitrite on the formation of trichloronitromethane during the UV-LED/chlorine process. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 8 (2022): 108-115.


[1] Yangtao Wu, Shumin Zhu*, Jue Wang, Lingjun Bu, Jing Deng, Shiqing Zhou. Role of reactive nitrogen species in ranitidine degradation in UV/chloramine process: Transformation pathways and NDMA formationChemical Engineering Journal, 404 (2021):126557.

[2] Shumin Zhu, Zaochen Tian, Pin Wang, Weiqiu Zhang, Lingjun Bu*, Yangtao Wu, Bingzhi Dong, Shiqing Zhou*.The role of carbonate radicals on the kinetics, radical chemistry, and energy requirement of UV/chlorine and UV/H2O2 processesChemosphere, 278 (2021):130499.

[3] Da Sheng, Shumin Zhu*, Wei Zhang, Lingjun Bu, Yangtao Wu, Jue Wang, Shiqing Zhou. Degradation of carbamazepine and disinfection byproducts formation in water distribution system in the presence of copper corrosion products. Chemosphere, 282 (2021) : 131066.

[4] 祝淑敏, 周石慶, 卜令君, 施周. “水文學”專業(yè)課程思政建設的探索與分析. 教育教學論壇, 04 (2021): 90-93.


[1] Shiqing Zhou, Ling Li, Yangtao Wu, Shumin Zhu*, Ningyuan Zhu, Lingjun Bu*, Dionysios D. Dionysiou. UV365 induced elimination of contaminants of emerging concern in the presence of residual nitrite: Roles of reactive nitrogen species. Water Research, 178 (2020):115829.

[2] Xiaofang Luo, Shumin Zhu*, Jue Wang, Julong Sun, Lingjun Bu, Shiqing Zhou*. Formation, speciation and toxicity of CX3R-type disinfection by-products (DBPs) from chlor(am)ination of 2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DAB). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 191 (2020).


[1] Yangtao Wu, Shumin Zhu*, Weiqiu Zhang, Lingjun Bu, Shiqing Zhou*. Comparison of diatrizoate degradation by UV/chlorine and UV/chloramine processes: Kinetic mechanisms and iodinated disinfection byproducts formation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 375 (2019).

[2] Shumin Zhu,Bingzhi Dong*,et al.  Degradation of carbamazepine by vacuum-UV oxidation process: Kinetics modeling and economic efficiency. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 368 (2019):178-185.


[1] Shumin Zhu,Bingzhi Dong*,et al.  Degradation of Atenolol with Electrochemical Oxidation at Mixed Metal Oxide Electrodes Assisted by UV Photolysis. CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water, 46 (2018): 1700077-1700086.

[2] Shumin Zhu,Bingzhi Dong*,et al.  Heterogeneous catalysis of ozone using ordered mesoporous Fe3O4 for degradation of atrazine. Chemical Engineering Journal, 328 (2017): 527–535.

[3] Shumin Zhu,Bingzhi Dong*,et al.  Degradation of Orange II by electrochemical activation of persulfate: performance and mechanism. Desalination and Water Treatment, 89 (2017), 189-196.

[4] Shumin Zhu,Bingzhi Dong*,et al.  Removal of IBMP using ozonation: role of ozone and hydroxyl radical. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57 (2016), 28776-28783.

[5] Shumin Zhu,Naiyun Gao*, et al. Adsorption of two microcystins onto activated carbon: equilibrium, kinetic, and influential factors. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57 (2016), 23666-23674.

[6] Lingjun Bu1Shumin Zhu1, et al. Degradation of atrazine by electrochemically activated persulfate using BDD anode: Role of radicals and influencing factors. Chemosphere, 195 (2018) : 236–244.

[7] 高乃云, 祝淑敏, 馬艷, 戎文磊, 周圣東, 陸納新. 2,4,6-三氯酚的UV/H2O2光化學降解. 中南大學學報(自然科學版), 2013, 44(3): 1262-1268.

[8] 祝淑敏, 高乃云, 馬艷, 盧寧, 顧玉亮, 張東. 全氟化合物的檢測與去除最新研究進展. 給水排水, 2012: 118-123.


[1]  周石慶, 卜令君, 祝淑敏, 伍洋濤, 王玨, 盛炟. 一種旋流式高效沉淀裝置. ZL202111118568.X

[2]  蔣金, 楚文海, 高乃云, 祝淑敏. 一種檢測飲用水中10種高毒性消毒副產物的分析方法.專利號:ZL201310374458.9

[3]  高乃云, 張艷森, 邵益生,孫子為, 祝淑敏 , 李長君, 談超群. 手動式凈水裝置.專利號:ZL201410119327.0


[1] 紫外/氯(胺)組合工藝動力學與能耗評價軟件V1.0, 2021SR0023481. (軟件著作權)

[2] 基于圖論的組合消毒工藝中副產物生產預測軟件V1.0, 2021SR0023220. (軟件著作權)

[3] 基于遷移學習的卷積神經網(wǎng)絡絮體圖像識別軟件V1.0, 2021SR0023425 (軟件著作權)


- 2022   第十五屆全國大學生先進成圖技術與產品信息建模創(chuàng)新大賽 優(yōu)秀指導教師二等獎

- 2022   湖南省第二屆大學生先進成圖技術與產品信息建模創(chuàng)新大賽 團隊一等獎

- 2021   湖南省自然科學二等獎(排名5)

- 2020   湖南大學岳麓學者晨星B崗

- 2021   湖南大學優(yōu)秀班主任

- 2019   湖南大學新聘教師微格演練一等獎

- 曾被評選為同濟大學優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)生、同濟大學優(yōu)秀學生干部,并多次獲優(yōu)秀博士獎學金、研究生光華獎學金、桑德環(huán)境教育獎勵金、顧國維獎勵金、慧信-胡家俊獎勵金、國家勵志獎學金、同濟大學一等獎學金等榮譽。


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