發(fā)布時(shí)間 : 2016-06-12
職 務(wù):教授,高端外國(guó)專家
Minner Faculty Fellow
Civil and Environmental Engineering
629 Davis Hall
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1710
e-mail: hermanowicz@ce.berkeley.edu
Office Hours and Calendar
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- 2015-10-19 Visit to Shenzhen for the opening of Tshinghua Berkeley Shenzhen Institute
COURSES IN THE PAST (and in the future) - CE112 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DESIGN (regular offering in Spring)
- CE211A Environmental Physical and Chemical Processes (regular offering in Fall)
- CE212 Water Quality Engineering - a major revision to include process analysis and design for a case study
- E10 Introduction to Engineering Design and Analysis - 2007 - 2012 - a lot of fun but the class was nixed in 2012
M.Sc. Environmental Engineering, Warsaw Technical University, Poland, 1978.
Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada, 1982.
Complete Resume
Our research involves water quality treatment processes. These take a long time and I do not accept short-term (less than one year) visitors or interns in my lab. The learning curve is too steep.
Deammonification of Anaerobic Sludge Digestate
We are focusing on inhibitiory factors in this process that includes nitritation by ammonia oxidizers (AOB) and further production of di-nitrogen by anammox bacteria. Yuan Li and Zaoli Gu are leading this effort.
Better Drinking Water Quality in Storage
Dr. Kinga Skalska (a visiting scholar from Poland sponsored by the Kosciuszko Foundation) is leading a team in a project of application of UV and mixing devices to improve water quality in storage tanks.
SOAP for GRIT ( Solar Optics-based Active Pasteurization for Greywater Reuse and Integrated Thermal Building Control) (more details - a lot of people in my lab including Henry Kagey and Vivek Rao,Pablo Hernandez, Elly Lin, Matt Kozuch(and in the past Melissa Darr and Priya Hora)
A joint project with Paz Gutierrez (Architecture) and Luke Lee (Bioengineering) and students and researchers from environmental engineering, building science, and bioengineering. We were been awarded a $2 million National Science Foundation (NSF) grant for research on biologically-inspired technologies for grey water reuse and thermal energy management that may propel sustainable building into a new era. We are looking at utilization of solar energy for disinfection, photocatalytic oxidation of pollutants, and thermal energy capture in the facades of tall buildings using advanced microoptics. The interdisciplinary work involves developing material decision support framework, numerical simulation, and experimental work on photocatalytic oxidation and disinfection. More details in this press release.
Evolution of velocity and temperature in our simulations
Biofilm Architecture in a Novel Reactor - Wei Jiang and Lian Duan
A project funded by Grundfos involves examining biofilm architecture (structure and morphology) in a reactor with well-defined mechanical shear.
An amazing multilayer biofilm structure seems to develop and we making progress in understanding how it happens and how it affects reactor performance.
Physics of Foaming in Anaerobic Digesters - Allyson Lutz (and Dr. Chanhyuk Park in the past)
Foaming in anaerobic digesters has been identified for over a decade with severe impacts on the overall digestion process. Digester foams have been known to top and overflow floating covers on digesters, foul gas collection systems, and invert total solids (TS) profiles within digesters. Some digester foams can form stable layers that occupy a significant volume of the digester. In collaboration and support of the San Francisco PUC - Wastewater Enterprise we are studying the physics of foaming with the goal of better understanding foam evolution, its stability and collapse.
Sustainable Development: Physical and Moral Issues
Sustainable development gradually becomes an important concept embedded in many societal activities including economy, politics and perhaps even regulations. Sustainability is now a growing concern of businesses, governments, civic groups and individuals. These concerns are often linked to energy efficiency, reduction of environmentally harmful emissions, ecosystem preservation and other “save the Earth” efforts. They are becoming a part of a “triple bottom line” for business accounting: financial, social and environmental. Despite its increasing importance, current definitions of “sustainability” are somewhat vacuous. This paper presents a possiblity to characterize sustainability in terms of system theory and chaotic dynamics with strong links to moral and ethical issues. - Read more on this topics - - posted at free open-access
In Summer 2010, I was a Guest Professor at the University of Natural Resources (BOKU) in Vienna. This was a continuation of my collaboration as a Distinguished Fulbright BOKU Chair in Sustainability in the Fall 2008 semester. At that time, I taught a class "Sustainable Development: Ethics, Physics and Technology" that may be offered at Berkeley in the future.
The final public lecture "Will water be the 'oil of the 21st century'?" was delivered in the BOKU Festsaal on January 9, 2009
The recording is available on a mirror site
New Sources of Water
The overarching issue in water science and engineering is to meet the demand for water while at the same time maintaining an ecological balance. Through human history access to water was one of the major factors controlling growth and development. While water is an essential element of life, access to it, or really the lack of access, is not only a moral issue. Poor water supply degrades public health, stunts economic development and even affects the level of education. New solutions to growing water demands will usually consist of water management, water conservation and education, financial tools, and technology. A model for such creative involvement of scientists, engineers and policy makers already exists by linking private and public resources.
Toward a Definition of Sustainability
funded (in the past) by the UCB Bridging Grant
The main goal of the proposed project is to advance the development of a quantitative measure of sustainability that can be used for rational decision-making process in the water management field. The specific objectives are:
- to evaluate an entropy-based measure applied to unit processes and operations
- to investigate inclusion of information content in such a measure - The Meaning of Sustainability in Water Resources Management - presented at EWRA2005 conference - posted at free open-access
- A working paper on energy and entropy - - posted at free open-access
Water reuse
Water reuse in many part of the world is becoming a vital element water management. Reclaiming and repurifying water for subsequent reuse reduces an overal demand for water, enhances stability of water supply and its local control, and may protect vulnerable ecosystems. One example of our work focuses on institutional, economic and energy aspects of water reuse. A more general presentation (2MB) provides background for the topic.
Also, a working paper on water scarcity and water reuse drivers - Is Scarcity a Real Driver for Water Reuse?- posted at free open-access
Submerged Membrane Bioreactor Performance And Solids Processing
sponsored by Water Environment Research Foundation and Zenon Corporation
We are investigating the phenomena of increasing filtration resistance at both high and low MLSS concentrations. We postulate that at high solids concentrations the increase of filtration resistance is mainly related to high bulk viscosity of the biosolids suspension. At low MLSS (and corresponding low SRT) the increase of filtration resistance is likely to be caused by exocellular macromolecular compounds produced by microorganisms that may or may not significantly change biosolids viscosity. We are also looking into the the reasons why MBR and conventional system activated sludge behave differently with respect to membrane filtration. A second research objective is to examine the behavior of MBR waste biosolids, compared to conventional waste biosolids in solids treatment processes such as thickening by gravity, dissolved air flotation, centrifuge and gravity belt, and dewatering of anaerobically digested waste biosolids + primary sludge mixtures by belt press filtration and centrifuge.
See more papers belowDevelopment of biofilm structure
Recent advances in confocal laser scanning microscopy have made it possible to examine the internal structure of biofilms in a nondestructive way. Apparently biofilms are not homogeneous and contiguous, as previously assumed, but are often full of holes and channels connected to the bulk liquid. The objective of this work was to develop a procedure based on the principles of fractal geometry for quantification of biofilm structure. Two geometric scales with different fractal dimensions were identified in the biofilm. Small scale biomass clusters (< 5 mm) had fractal dimensions close to the topological dimension while the fractal dimensions of larger aggregates were considerably smaller. Anisotropic morphology was also detected by the difference of fractal dimensions and was possibly related to the direction of water flow. Currently, we are continuing to develop a cellular automata model for the biofilm development (see a paper in Mathematical Biosciences or animation -1MB download; make sure that animations are enabled on your browser).
Selected Publications
Xia, S., Gu, Z., Zhang, Z., Zhang, J., Hermanowicz, S. (2014) High-Efficiency Removal of Chloramphenicol from Aqueous Solution by Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron Particles. Chemical Engineering Journal, in print
Duan, L.; Song, Y. H.; Yu, H.B.; Xia, S. Q.; Hermanowicz, S. W. (2014). The effect of solids retention times on the characterization of extracellular polymeric substances and soluble microbial products in a submerged membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, in print
Park, C.; Hermanowicz, S. W. (2014). A Multi-Point Electrical Resistance Measurement System for Characterization of Foam Drainage Regime and Stability. AIChE Journal, 60 (9) 3143-3150 doi: 10.1002/aic.14489
Park, C.; Hermanowicz, S. W.; Jolis, D. (2013). A novel technique for evaluating foam dynamics in anaerobic digesters. Water Science and Technology 2013, 67 (11), 2595-2601.
Jiang, W.; Xia, S. Q.; Liang, J.; Zhang, Z. Q.; Hermanowicz, S. W. (2013). Effect of quorum quenching on the reactor performance, biofouling and biomass characteristics in membrane bioreactors. Water Research, 47 (1), 187-196
Guadie, A.; Xia, S. Q.; Zhang, Z. Q.; Guo, W. S.; Ngo, H. H.; Hermanowicz, S. W. (2013). Simultaneous removal of phosphorus and nitrogen from sewage using a novel combo system of fluidized bed reactor-membrane bioreactor (FBR-MBR). Bioresource Technology, 149, 276-285
Duan, L.; Song, Y. H.; Xia, S. Q.; Hermanowicz, S. W. (2013). Characterization of nitrifying microbial community in a submerged membrane bioreactor at short solids retention times. Bioresource Technology, 149, 200-207
Duan, L., Song, Y.H., Jiang, W., Hermanowicz, S.W. (2013). Development of an Integrated Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor-Membrane Bioreactor for Wastewater Treatment. Applied Mechanics and Materials 361-363 611-614
Xia, S., Duan, L., Song, Y, Li, J., Piceno, Y.M., Andersen, G.L., Alvarez-Cohen, L., Moreno-Andrade, I., Huang, C-L., Hermanowicz, S.W. (2010). Bacterial Community Structure in Geographically Distributed Biological Wastewater Treatment Reactors. Environmental Science and Technology, 44 (19), 7391-7396
Isosaari, P., Hermanowicz, S.W. and Rubin, Y. (2010). Sustainable Natural Systems for Treatment and Disposal of Food Processing Wastewater. Critical Reviews in Environ. Sci. Technol., 40, (7), 662 - 697.
Duan, L.; Moreno-Andrade, I.; Huang, C-L.; Xia, S.; Hermanowicz, S.W. (2009). Effect of Solids Retention Time on Microbial Community in a Membrane Bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 100, 3489-3496
Trussell, R.S., Jang, N.J., Merlo, R.P., Kim, I.S., Hermanowicz, S.W., Jenkins, D. (2009). Changes in Mixed Liquor and Organic Foulant Properties Impact Membrane Fouling for Non-Nitrifying and Nitrifying Biological Conditions. Water Environment Research, 81, 255-264.
Hermanowicz, S.W. (2008). Sustainability in Water Resources Management - Changes in Meaning and Perception. Sustainability Science, 3, 181-188
Trussell. R.S.; Merlo, R.P.; Hermanowicz, S.W.; Jenkins, D.; The Effect of Organic Loading on Process Performance and Membrane Fouling in a Submerged Membrane Bioreactor Treating Municipal Wastewater. Water Research,
40, 2675-2683
The correct version with publisher's errors fixedMerlo, R.P.; Trussell. R.S.; Hermanowicz, S.W.; Jenkins, D. (2007). Effects of Sludge Properties on the Thickening and Dewatering of Waste Activated Sludge. Water Environment Research, 79, 2412-2419
Merlo, R.P.; Trussell. R.S.; Hermanowicz, S.W.; Jenkins, D. A Comparison of the Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Submerged Membrane Bioreactor and Activated Sludges. Water Environment Research, 79, 320-328
Wozei, E., Hermanowicz, S.W. (2006). Developing a yeast-based assay protocol to monitor total oestrogenic activity induced by 17ß-oestradiol in activated sludge supernatants from batch experiments. Water SA, 32, 345-354
Wozei, E., Hermanowicz, S.W. (2006). Application of a yeast-based assay protocol developed to monitor total oestrogenic activity induced by 17ß-oestradiol in activated sludge supernatants from batch experiments. Water SA, 32, 355-364
Wozei, E., Hermanowicz, S.W., Holman, H-Y. N. (2006). Developing a Biosensor for Estrogens in Water Samples: Study of the Real-time Response of Live Cells of the Estrogen-sensitive Yeast Strain RMY/ER-ERE Using Fluorescence Microscopy. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21 (8): 1654-1658
Hermanowicz, S.W. (2004). Membrane Filtration of Biological Solids : A Unified Framework and its Applications to Membrane Bioreactors. Proceedings, Water Environment Membrane Technology 2004 Conference, June 9, 2004, Seoul, South Korea
Ng, H.Y., Hermanowicz, S.W. Membrane Bioreactor Operation at Short Solids Retention Times: Performance and Biomass Characteristics Water Research, 39 (6), 981-992
Hermanowicz, S.W. Biofilm Structure: An Interplay of Models and Experiments. In: Biofilms in Wastewater Treatment - An Interdisciplinary Approach. (Eds: S Wuertz, PL Bishop, PA Wilderer)
Hermanowicz, SW; Diaz, ES; Coe, J. Prospects, problems and pitfalls of urban water reuse: a case study. Water Sci. Technol., 2001, V43(N10):9-16.
Hermanowicz, S.W. (2001). A Simple 2D Biofilm Model Yields a Variety of Morphological Features. Mathematical Biosciences, 169 (1), 1-14
Hermanowicz, S.W., Bellamy, W.D., Fung, L.C. (2000). Hydrodynamic Evaluation of a Turbine Ozone Contactor. Ozone Sci. Engng, 22 (4), 351-367
Sawyer, L.K., Hermanowicz, S.W. (2000). Detachment of Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas aeruginosa due to Variations in Nutrient Supply. Water Sci. Technol. 41 (4-5), 139-145
Hermanowicz, S.W. (1999). Microbial Water Quality: Regulations, Science and Engineering. Japanese Water Works Association Journal, 68 (7), 53-63
Hermanowicz, S.W., Asano, T. (1999). Abel Wolman's "The Metabolism of Cities" Revisited: A Case for Water Recycling and Reuse. Water Sci. Technol., 40 (4-5), 29-36
Hermanowicz, S.W. (1999). Two-Dimensional Simulations of Biofilm Development: Effects of External Environmental Conditions. Water Sci. Technol., 39:7, 107-114
Hermanowicz, S.W., Bellamy, W.D., Fung, L.C. (1999). Variability of Ozone Reaction Kinetics in Batch and Continuous Flow Reactors. Water Research, 33:9, 2130-2138