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2. Yan, Z. S., Jiang, H. L., Li, X. H. & Shi, Y. Accelerated removal of pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene in freshwater sediments with amendment of cyanobacteria-derived organic matter. J Hazard Mater 272, 66-74 (2014).
3. Yan, Z.S., Song, N., Cai, H.Y., Tay, J. H. & Jiang, H.L. Enhanced degradation of phenanthrene and pyrene in freshwater sediments by combined employment of sediment microbial fuel cell and amorphous ferric hydroxide. J. Hazard. Mater. 199-200, 217-225 (2012).
4. Yan, Z. S., Wang, S. H., Kang, X. K. & Ma, Y. Enhanced removal of organics and phosphorus in a hybrid coagulation/membrane bioreactor (HCMBR) for real textile dyeing wastewater treatment. Desalination and Water Treatment 47, 249-257 (2012).
5. Yan, Z. S., Guo, H. Y., Song, T. S., Hu, Y. & Jiang, H. L. Tolerance and remedial function of rooted submersed macrophyte Vallisneria spiralis to phenanthrene in freshwater sediments. Ecol. Eng. 37, 123-127 (2011).
6. Yan, Z. S., Hu, Y. & Jiang, H. L. Toxicity of Phenanthrene in Freshwater Sediments to the Rooted Submersed Macrophyte, Vallisneria spiralis. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 87, 129-133 (2011).