- 污水污泥制備頁巖燒結(jié)磚的試驗研究
- Experimental Analysis on Preparation of Fired Brick with Shale and Sewage Sludge
- 范英儒, 鄧成, 羅暉, 陳偉, 錢覺時
- 土木與環(huán)境工程學(xué)報(中英文) 2012年34卷第1期 頁碼:130-135
- DOI:10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2012.01.025
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試驗研究了污水污泥摻量、燒成溫度對頁巖燒成試樣性能的影響;選擇3種代表性重金屬,超量摻入污泥頁巖混合料中,研究燒結(jié)過程中的重金屬揮發(fā)和燒成試樣對重金屬的固化能力。結(jié)果表明:污水污泥摻量達到30%,燒成溫度在900℃時,可以制備出抗壓強度大于10 MPa的污泥頁巖燒成試樣;摻加污水污泥有利于提高磚坯混合料的塑性,可以明顯降低頁巖燒成試樣的體積密度,但會增加磚坯干燥和燒成收縮,污泥摻量宜控制在30%以內(nèi),燒成溫度宜控制在900~1 000℃之間;摻入污水污泥會使燒成試樣出現(xiàn)泛霜,摻量越多泛霜程度越嚴(yán)重,提高燒成溫度能在一定程度上抑制泛霜;污泥頁巖燒成試樣在燒結(jié)過程中的重金屬揮發(fā)遠低于純污泥焚燒過程,其總銅、總鉻、總鉛浸出濃度遠低于安全標(biāo)準(zhǔn)控制值。
The effects of sewage sludge dosage and firing temperature on the performance of fired shale sample were investigated experimentally. The volatilization of heavy metals in the firing process and the heavy metals solidification of fired sample, were studied by means of selecting three representative heavy metals and using excess heavy metals mixed with sludge and shale. The results show that when the sewage sludge dosage is 30% and the firing temperature is at 900℃, the compressive strength of fired shale sample could reach more than 10MPa. The addition of sewage sludge is beneficial to improve the plasticity of brick mixture and significantly reduce the bulk density of fired shale sample, whilst it can also increase the drying and firing shrinkage. The dosage of sludge should be controlled within 30%, and firing temperature should be controlled between 900~1000℃. Addition of sewage sludge will make fired shale sample efflorescent, and the more dosage of sewage sludge, the more serious efflorescence. Increasing the firing temperature can be suppressed the efflorescence to some extent. In the firing process of fired sample with sewage sludge and shale, the volatilization of heavy metals is far less than the sintering process of pure sludge incineration. The leaching concentrations of total copper, total chromium and total lead which come from fired sample made of shale and sludge are all within safety standards of the leaching toxicity.