- 低強度超聲波處理對剩余污泥的影響
- Effects of Low- Intensity Ultrasound Treatment on Excess Sludge
- 丁文川 龍騰銳 許龍 李理 連河川
- 土木與環(huán)境工程學報(中英文) 2006年28卷第3期 頁碼:74-77
- DOI:10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2006.03.020
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試驗測定了0~5 m in、0~30 m in兩個時間序列,0.03 W/mL、0.05 W/mL和0.1 W/mL三個能量水平超聲波作用對剩余污泥的攝氧速率(OUR)、溶解性COD(SCOD)、溶解性總氮(TN)和總磷(TP)的變化。結(jié)果表明,低強度超聲波對污泥作用分為兩個階段:第一個階段發(fā)生在0~4 m in,主要是作用在污泥絮體層面,表現(xiàn)為污泥絮體中SCOD、TN和TP溶出;第二個階段對污泥生物體產(chǎn)生影響,微生物活性加強,OUR、TN和TP都有較大增長。
In this study the influence of the low-intensity ultrasound treatment on excess sludge has been observed.The oxygen uptake rate(OUR),soluble chemical oxygen demand(SCOD),soluble total nitrogen(TN) and soluble total phosphorus(TP) were examined for three power levels of 0.03 W/mL, 0.05 W/mL and 0.1 W/mL as well as two time series of 0~5 min and 0~30 min.It showed that there were two stages of ultrasonic treatment: the first stage took place within the flocs in four minutes,in which SCOD,TN,TP were dissolved from flocs.In the second stage,the microbial activities have been strengthened,as well as OUR,TN,TP have increased greatly.