
中國(guó)給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術(shù)與應(yīng)用高級(jí)研討會(huì)(第十五屆)邀請(qǐng)函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會(huì)、工業(yè)污泥大會(huì)、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會(huì))
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Invitation Letter til det 15. avancerede symposium om byslambehandling og -behandlingsteknologi og a

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2024-07-08  來(lái)源:Invitation Letter til det 15.   瀏覽次數(shù):90
核心提示:Invitation Letter til det 15. avancerede symposium om byslambehandling og -behandlingsteknologi og anvendelse i Kinas vandforsyning og afløb i 2024 (samtidig afholdelse af lækage af fast affald konference, konference om industrislam og konferenc
中國(guó)給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術(shù)與應(yīng)用高級(jí)研討會(huì)(第十五屆)邀請(qǐng)函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會(huì)、工業(yè)污泥大會(huì)、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會(huì))

中國(guó)給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術(shù)與應(yīng)用高級(jí)研討會(huì)(第十五屆)邀請(qǐng)函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會(huì)、工業(yè)污泥大會(huì)、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會(huì))

Invitation Letter til det 15. avancerede symposium om byslambehandling og -behandlingsteknologi og anvendelse i Kinas vandforsyning og afløb i 2024 (samtidig afholdelse af lækage af fast affald konference, konference om industrislam og konference om høj koncentration og vanskeligt at nedbryde industrispildevandsbehandling)
Samskabelse, sameksistens og vinde gevinst - Stræbe efter at opbygge en kernemærke økologisk cirkel for slambehandling og bortskaffelse i Kina
(Indsend venligst forhåndsgodkendelse, begrænset til 1500 personer; dette møde er kun åbent for repræsentanter for de registrerende enheder, der har modtaget forhåndsgodkendelse; deltagende repræsentanter kan få bevis på efter- og videreuddannelsestider for år 2024.)
Tid: 8.-11. september 2024, check-in den 8. september, mødested rapport den 9.-10. september, typisk projektbesøg den 11. september 2024
Møde adresse: A Grand Hotel i Guangzhou
Mødekontaktperson: Jin Sheng 18622273726 (samme WeChat konto)
Konferencearrangør og co arrangør teknisk rapport konsultation: Wang Lingquan 1375225003 (samme WeChat konto)
China Water Supply and Drainage Magazine Co., Ltd.
Kina North China Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd
Shanghai Renchuang Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Haiyun Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Boyi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Shencheng Environmental Protection Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd.
Suez Environmental Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Fujie Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Zhongyao Environmental Protection Industry Co., Ltd.
Hunan Dingjiu Energy and Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Ruichuang Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd.
Guangxi Liyuanbao Technology Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Yixin Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd.
Shandong Jinfu Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Chuangye Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd.
Institut for Kemi og Kemiteknik, Kina University of Petroleum (East China)
Andritz (China) Co., Ltd.
Green Water Co., Ltd.
Hebei Shuangjia Pump Industry Co., Ltd.
Zhengzhou Guoyan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Wotaix Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Prack Environmental Protection System (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Jerry Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Kuangyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Nantong Aikepu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Meihong Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Fenni Technology Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Kangtai Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.
Schwerin GmbH, Tyskland
Veolia Water Engineering (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Henan Aierwang New Energy Environment Co., Ltd.
SDMC Technology Company i USA
Hubei Jiade Technology Co., Ltd.
National slambehandling og bortskaffelse industri teknologi innovation strategisk alliance
Kina Water Supply and Drainage Brand Committee
Medieplatformen for miljø i Asien
Jinan Puhua Exhibition Services Co., Ltd.
China Water Industry Network (www. water8848. com)
Guangzhou Water Investment Group Co., Ltd.
International Water Association Slam Expert Committee
Journal of Water Supply and Drainage
Journal of Environmental Hygiene Engineering
Kangbi Environmental Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Yimai Industrial Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Fumiao Technology Co., Ltd.
Putzmeister (Beijing) Solid Pump Trading Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Huisheng Industrial Pump Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Gengyun Wuyou IoT Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Zhongzhou Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Borke Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Dazhang Filtration Equipment Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Zhongding Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Shengyuan Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
Beijing Qingyuan Huajian Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Tianshu Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Sidao Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Ouren Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
Weifang Sabote Precision Rotating Equipment Co., Ltd.
Hebei Shuangjia Pump Industry Co., Ltd.
Zhongda Beilaite Filter Press Co., Ltd.
Beijing Shengxin Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Fuchan Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Lingxiao Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Shandong Fuhang New Energy Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Water Purification Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Chengtou Water (Group) Co., Ltd
Shanghai Chengtou Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Pudong Water (Group) Co., Ltd
Changjiang Ecological Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd.
Changjiang Qingyuan Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.
Institut for Miljøbeskyttelse Teknologi og Udstyr, General Institute of Mechanical Science Research
Jike Development Technology Co., Ltd.
Beijing Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Urban and Rural Construction Design Institute Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Survey, Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Hoteller i nærheden af Yangtze River Ecological Environment Engineering Research Center
Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd
China Central South Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd
China Southwest Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd
China Northwest Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd
Shanghai Urban Construction Design and Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd
Hoteller i nærheden af East China Survey, Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd
China Urban Construction Research Institute Co., Ltd.
National Engineering Laboratory of Safe bortskaffelse og ressourceudnyttelse Teknologi af slam
Zhongcheng Institute (Beijing) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
Kina Water Supply and Drainage Strategic Alliance
Kina slambehandling og bortskaffelse strategisk alliance
Chongqing Academy of Landscape Architecture
Tianjin Kaiying Technology Development Co., Ltd
Hoteller i nærheden af Environmental Protection Industry Office of China
Nanjing Urban Construction Investment Holdings (Group) Co., Ltd
Sinopec Petroleum Engineering Construction Co., Ltd.
China Everbright Water Co., Ltd.
Den nationale arbejdsgruppe for standardisering af behandling, bortskaffelse og ressourceudnyttelse af farligt affald
Guangzhou Water Association
China General Nuclear Accelerator Research Institute
Institut for Miljøvidenskab og Ingeniørvidenskab af Tongji University, School of Miljø af Tsinghua University, School of Miljø af Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tianjin University, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Northeastern University, Institute of Geographic Science and Resources of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jiangnan University, Chengdu Institute of Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control of Zhejiang University Miljøvidenskab og teknologi og intelligent system Research Center of Yangming Jiaotong University i Taiwan, Engineering College of Karamay Campus of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Beijing Forestry University, Liaohe River Basin Water Pollution Prevention Institute of Shenyang Jianzhu University, East China University of Technology, School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Hunan University, etc.
Strategisk samarbejde WeChat platform
WeChat navn: water8848 WeChat navn: Kina Vandforsyning og dræning WeChat navn: Vandmiljø Økologisk Cirkel WeChat navn: Spildevandsressource Udnyttelse
WeChat ID: cnwater8848 WeChat ID: cnww1985 WeChat ID: iwacnww WeChat ID: IWANEwwater
Understøttende medier: Kina Vandforsyning og Dræning Magazine, Kina Vandindustrinetværk (www.water8848. com), Huicong Water Industry Network, Environmental Sanitation Engineering Magazine, Environmental Protection Online, Kina Vandforsyning og Dræning Magazine Website( http://www.cnww1985.com ) Kina Vandnetværk, Vandverden - Kina Urban Water Network, Bigao Miljøbeskyttelse Talent Network, Asian Environmental Protection Magazine, Water Treatment Technology Magazine, osv
For at gennemføre landets nye krav til økologisk civilisation opbygning og miljøbeskyttelse i den økonomiske udvikling er handlingsplanen for forebyggelse og bekæmpelse af vandforurening (kaldet "Ti foranstaltninger for vand"), der har været brygget i mange år, blevet offentliggjort. Planen lægger vægt på integreret forvaltning af vandkvalitet, mængde og akvatisk økologi, og det forventes, at Kinas investeringsskala for vandbehandling fortsat vil opretholde en væksttendens i 2024. I juni 2021 udstedte den nationale udviklings- og reformkommission og ministeriet for bolig og byudvikling af landdistrikter den "14. femårsplan for udvikling af byspildevandsbehandling og ressourceudnyttelse" (Udvikling, reform og miljøbeskyttelse [2021] nr. 827), der foreslog, at den harmløse bortskaffelsesrate af byslam inden 2025 bør nå over 90%; Spildevandsopsamlings- og rensningskapaciteten i etablerede byer i Yangtze River Economic Bælt, Yellow River Basin og Beijing Tianjin Hebei-regionen, samt niveauet for harmløs slam bortskaffelse, er blevet betydeligt forbedret. I 2035 vil den omfattende harmløse bortskaffelse af slam være opnået, ressourceudnyttelsen af spildevandsslam vil blive betydeligt forbedret, byspildevand vil blive behandlet sikkert og effektivt, og offentligheden vil dele et grønt, økologisk og sikkert bymiljø. Efterhånden som vandindustrivirksomheder går ind i en gylden alder af udvikling, vil den 15. kinesiske byslambehandling og bortskaffelse teknologi og anvendelse avanceret seminar (2024) også gå ind i en ny fase af udvikling.
I de seneste år, med den hurtige forbedring af Kinas spildevandsrensningskapacitet, er mængden af slam også steget betydeligt.. Ved udgangen af december 2021 var den samlede længde af bydrænrørledninger i Kina 913500 kilometer, en årlig stigning på 4,73%; Spildevandsrensningsanlægget har en behandlingskapacitet på 216 millioner kubikmeter pr. dag, hvilket er en stigning på 4,04% i forhold til året før. I 2022 var spildevandsbehandlingen 98,11%, en stigning på 0,22 procentpoint fra året før; Den centraliserede indsamling af husholdningsanlæg er 70,06%, en stigning på 1,47 procentpoint i forhold til året før. Den 29. december 2023 udsendte den nationale udviklings- og reformkommission, ministeriet for boliger og byudvikling af landdistrikter og ministeriet for økologi og miljø "Implementeringsudtalelser om fremme af synergi og effektivitet forbedring af forurening og CO2 reduktion i spildevandsbehandling", som påpegede, at spildevandsindustrien inden 2025 vil gøre positive fremskridt med at reducere forurening og kulstof, og energieffektivitetsniveauet og CO2 reduktion kapaciteten vil fortsat forbedres. Udnyttelsesgraden af vedvarende vandressourcer i vandknappe byer på eller over præfekturniveauet har nået over 25%, og der er bygget 100 grønne og lavemissionsrelaterede benchmarkanlæg til effektiv genanvendelse af energi og ressourcer til spildevandsbehandling. Den nationale udviklings- og reformkommission, ministeriet for bolig og byudvikling af landdistrikter og ministeriet for økologi og miljø offentliggjorde i fællesskab gennemførelsesplanen for harmløs behandling og ressourceudnyttelse af slam. Det foreslås, at omfanget af harmløse behandlingsfaciliteter for nytilføjet slam (vådt slam med et fugtindhold på 80%) i Kina i 2025 ikke vil være mindre end 20000 tons/dag, den harmløse behandlingsrate for byslam vil nå over 90%, og at for præfektureniveau og over byer, vil det nå op på over 95%. Et omfattende, sikkert, grønt, lavkulstofholdigt og effektivt reguleret slam harmløst ressourcebehandlingssystem vil være grundlæggende dannet.
I øjeblikket producerer landet over 60 millioner tons slam med et årligt vandindhold på 80% (ekskl. over 40 millioner tons industrislam). I 2025 vil den årlige produktion af slam med et fugtindhold på 80% nå 160 millioner tons (herunder husholdnings- og industrislam), og tilsvarende vil slambehandlingsmarkedet opretholde en sammensat vækstrate på over 10%, når en skala på over 50 milliarder yuan i 2025. Ifølge forskningsresultater er 70% af slammet fra rensningsanlæg i Kina ikke blevet behandlet ordentligt, og problemet med vilkårlig stabling af slam og den deraf følgende forurening og forurening er blevet fremtrædende og har tiltrukket social opmærksomhed. Samfundets opmærksomhed har fået landet til at være mere opmærksom på behandling og bortskaffelse af slam, og landets opmærksomhed har også ført til en hurtig udvikling af markedet for behandling og bortskaffelse af slam. Ministeriet for Boligudvikling og Byudvikling af Landdistrikter kræver klart, at alle regioner følger den "grønne, miljøvenlige, cirkulære og kulstoffattige" slam bortskaffelse teknologirute, overvåger implementeringen af byfolkenes hovedansvar for planlægning og byggeri, rimeligt udvælger processer og fremskynder anlægsopførelsen. Dræningsmyndighederne på alle niveauer bør styrke tilsynet og inspektionen i overensstemmelse med loven, opfordre slambehandlings- og bortskaffelsesenhederne til nøje at følge kravene i reglerne om bydræning og spildevandsbehandling og spore, registrere og rapportere slammets bestemmelsessted, anvendelse og dosering Alle ulovlige slamlagringssteder skal forbydes, og midlertidige slamlagringssteder, der ikke opfylder beskyttelseskravene, skal renoveres for at opfylde standarderne inden for en bestemt periode. De, der overfører, dumper eller bortskaffer slam i strid med gældende love og bestemmelser, straffes strengt i overensstemmelse med loven. At åbne vejen for uskadelige slamprodukter, fremme industrialiseringen gennem ressourceudnyttelse og tiltrække social kapital til at deltage i opførelsen og driften af slambehandlings- og bortskaffelsesfaciliteter. Det har vigtig vejledende betydning for udviklingen af slambehandlings- og bortskaffelsesteknologi i Kina.
For yderligere at forbedre niveauet af slambehandling og bortskaffelse teknologi i Kina, forstå den nuværende situation, udsigter og udviklingstendenser for slambehandling og bortskaffelse i hjemmet og i udlandet og effektivt opnå kravene til harmløs, reduceret, stabil og opfindsomt slambehandling og undgå sekundær forurening forårsaget af dette, Kina Water Supply and Drainage Journal har samarbejdet med Shanghai Renchuang Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Haiyun Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Boyi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Zhongyao Environmental Protection Industry Co., Ltd., Hunan Dingjiu Energy Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Suez Environmental Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Ltd., Tianjin Chuangye Group Co., Ltd., Veolia North China and Construction Technology Co., Ltd. Den Internationale Vandforening Slam Expert Committee og andre enheder har besluttet at afholde "2024 Kina Urban Slam Treatment and bortskaffelse teknologi og anvendelse avanceret seminar (15)". På dette tidspunkt vil relevante enhedsledere og eksperter blive inviteret til at holde en keynote tale på mødet med svar og diskussioner om implementeringen af standarder for slambehandling og bortskaffelse af slam, modne processer og udstyr drift erfaring, slam bortskaffelse politikker og andre spørgsmål Samtidig vil der blive bygget en platform for relevante enheder til fremme af nye teknologier, processer og udstyr til byslambehandling og omfattende udnyttelse.
Denne konference vil invitere ledere, anerkendte eksperter, forskere, ingeniør og teknisk personale fra indenlandske og udenlandske afløbsindustriens design, forskning, drift og byggeenheder, samt kendte institutioner og virksomheder i hjemmet og udlandet, til at deltage i og engagere sig i akademiske udvekslinger.
The Chinese Journal of Water Supply and Drainage blev grundlagt i 2010 (den første udgave i Qinhuangdao), 2011 (den anden udgave i Qingdao), 2012 (den tredje udgave i Dalian), 2013 (den fjerde udgave i Shanghai), 2014 (den femte udgave i Changsha), 2015 (den sjette udgave i Yixing), 2016 (den syvende udgave i Tianjin), 2017 (den ottende udgave i Beijing), 2018 (den niende udgave i Baoding), 2019 (den tiende udgave i Shanghai), 2020 (den ellevte udgave i Xi'an), 2021 (den tolvte udgave i Shanghai), februar 2023 (den trettende udgave i Hangjin), og september 2023. Med alles bekymring og støtte er det blevet den mest indflydelsesrige og største slambehandling og bortskaffelse industrikonference i branchen.
1,Principper og mål for konferencens drift
Denne konference fremhæver kendetegnene ved "innovation, koordinering, grøn, åbenhed og deling" i overensstemmelse med kravene til specialisering, høje standarder og højt niveau. Inviterer anerkendte eksperter, forskere og repræsentanter fra større enheder i forskellige forskningsretninger inden for slambehandling og bortskaffelse til at være vært for den største og mest professionelle industri begivenhed i Kina. Samskabelse, symbiose og win-win - Stræbe efter at opbygge et kernemærkeøkosystem til slambehandling og bortskaffelse i Kina.
2,Konferencens format
Denne konference vil hovedsagelig fokusere på konferencedrøftelser og udvekslinger (ca. 60 ekspertrapporter) med besøg på stedet i typiske projekter som hjælpeformer.
3,Emne for indhentning af papirer og tekniske rapporter:
1. Oversigt og planlægning af byslambehandling og bortskaffelse i forskellige regioner (indførelse af tekniske oplysninger og tekniske eksempler).
2. Fortolkning af tekniske standarder og politiske undersøgelser for behandling og bortskaffelse af byslam.
3. Design erfaring med slambehandling i byspildevandsrensningsanlæg.
4. Forskning og procesudvalg af slambehandling og bortskaffelsesteknologi.
5. Undersøgelse af slambehandling og bortskaffelse teknologi og håndtering erfaring.
6. Slam Biokompostering og arealanvendelsesteknologi og tekniske eksempler.
7. Forskning og anvendelse af slamtørreteknologi i rensningsanlæg i byer.
8. Fluidiseret bed slam forbrændingsteknologi og dens anvendelse.
Anvendelseseksempler på samtidig affyring af byslam på industrielle områder som varmekraftværker og cementværker.
10. Anaerob fermentering af slam/industriel biogasproduktion teknologi og udstyr.
11. Middeltemperatur anaerob fordøjelsesteknologi og udstyr til slam.

 Invitation Letter for the 15th Advanced Symposium on Urban Sludge Treatment and Treatment Technology and Application in China's Water Supply and Drainage in 2024 (Simultaneously Holding Solid Waste Leachate Conference, Industrial Sludge Conference, and High Concentration and Difficult to degrade Industrial Wastewater Treatment Conference)
Co creation, Coexistence, and Win Win - Strive to Build a Core Brand Ecological Circle for Sludge Treatment and Disposal in China
(Please provide advance registration receipt, limited to 1500 people; this meeting is only open to representatives of the registering units who have received advance confirmation; attending representatives can obtain proof of continuing education hours for the year 2024.)
Time: September 8-11, 2024, check-in on September 8, venue report on September 9-10, typical project visit on September 11, 2024
Meeting Address: A Grand Hotel in Guangzhou
Meeting contact person: Jin Sheng 18622273726 (same WeChat account)
Conference organizer and co organizer technical report consultation: Wang Lingquan 13752275003 (same WeChat account)
Organizational structure
China Water Supply and Drainage Magazine Co., Ltd
China North China Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd
Shanghai Renchuang Environmental Technology Co., Ltd
Zhejiang Haiyun Energy Technology Co., Ltd
Jiangsu Boyi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Shanghai Shencheng Environmental Protection Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd
Suez Environmental Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Shanghai Fujie Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Shanghai Zhongyao Environmental Protection Industry Co., Ltd
Hunan Dingjiu Energy and Environmental Technology Co., Ltd
Co organizer:
Tianjin Ruichuang Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd
Guangxi Liyuanbao Technology Co., Ltd
Tianjin Yixin Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd
Shandong Jinfu Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd
Tianjin Chuangye Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China)
Andritz (China) Co., Ltd
Green Water Co., Ltd
Hebei Shuangjia Pump Industry Co., Ltd
Zhengzhou Guoyan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Shanghai Wotaix Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Prack Environmental Protection System (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Jerry Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Jiangsu Kuangyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Nantong Aikepu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd
Suzhou Meihong Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Guangdong Fenni Technology Co., Ltd
Jiangsu Kangtai Environmental Protection Co., Ltd
Schwerin GmbH, Germany
Veolia Water Engineering (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Henan Aierwang New Energy Environment Co., Ltd
SDMC Technology Company in the United States
Hubei Jiade Technology Co., Ltd
National sludge treatment and disposal industry technology innovation strategic alliance
China Water Supply and Drainage Brand Committee
Asia Environment Media Platform
Jinan Puhua Exhibition Services Co., Ltd
China Water Industry Network (www.water8848. com)
Supporting units:
Guangzhou Water Investment Group Co., Ltd
International Water Association Sludge Expert Committee
Journal of Water Supply and Drainage
Journal of Environmental Hygiene Engineering
Kangbi Environmental Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Shanghai Yimai Industrial Co., Ltd
Jiangsu Fumiao Technology Co., Ltd
Putzmeister (Beijing) Solid Pump Trading Co., Ltd
Zhejiang Huisheng Industrial Pump Co., Ltd
Suzhou Gengyun Wuyou IoT Technology Co., Ltd
Guangzhou Zhongzhou Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Jiangsu Borke Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Shanghai Dazhang Filtration Equipment Co., Ltd
Jiangsu Zhongding Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd
Xuzhou Shengyuan Environmental Technology Co., Ltd
Beijing Qingyuan Huajian Environmental Technology Co., Ltd
Jiangsu Tianshu Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd
Jiangsu Sidao Environmental Technology Co., Ltd
Qingdao Ouren Environmental Technology Co., Ltd
Weifang Sabote Precision Rotating Equipment Co., Ltd
Hebei Shuangjia Pump Industry Co., Ltd
Zhongda Beilaite Filter Press Co., Ltd
Beijing Shengxin Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Shanghai Fuchan Machinery Technology Co., Ltd
Shanghai Lingxiao Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Shandong Fuhang New Energy Environmental Protection Co., Ltd
Guangzhou Water Purification Co., Ltd
Shanghai Chengtou Water (Group) Co., Ltd
Shanghai Chengtou Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd
Shanghai Pudong Water (Group) Co., Ltd
Changjiang Ecological Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd
Changjiang Qingyuan Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Co., Ltd
Institute of Environmental Protection Technology and Equipment, General Institute of Mechanical Science Research
Jike Development Technology Co., Ltd
Beijing Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd
Hangzhou Urban and Rural Construction Design Institute Co., Ltd
Shanghai Survey, Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd
Three Gorges Group Yangtze River Ecological Environment Engineering Research Center
Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd
China Central South Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd
China Southwest Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd
China Northwest Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd
Shanghai Urban Construction Design and Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd
China Electric Power Construction Group East China Survey, Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd
China Urban Construction Research Institute Co., Ltd
National Engineering Laboratory of Safe Disposal and Resource Utilization Technology of Sludge
Zhongcheng Institute (Beijing) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd
China Water Supply and Drainage Strategic Alliance
China sludge treatment and disposal strategic alliance
Chongqing Academy of Landscape Architecture
Tianjin Kaiying Technology Development Co., Ltd
Environmental Protection Industry Office of China Institute of Standardization
Nanjing Urban Construction Investment Holdings (Group) Co., Ltd
Sinopec Petroleum Engineering Construction Co., Ltd
China Everbright Water Co., Ltd
National Working Group on Standardization of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Disposal and Resource Utilization
Guangzhou Water Association
China General Nuclear Accelerator Research Institute
School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tongji University, School of Environment of Tsinghua University, School of Environment of Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tianjin University, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Northeastern University, Institute of Geographic Science and Resources of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jiangnan University, Chengdu Institute of Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control of Zhejiang University, Solid Waste Research Center of School of Environmental Resources of Zhejiang University, School of Environmental Science and Engineering of South China University of Technology, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of China Metrology University, School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering of Shanghai University, School of Civil Engineering of Zhejiang University of Technology, School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Guangzhou University, Jilin University of Architecture, Southeast University, Chongqing University, School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Taiyuan University of Technology, and School of Environmental Science of Shanghai University of Technology Department of Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Environmental Science and Technology and Intelligent System Research Center of Yangming Jiaotong University in Taiwan, Engineering College of Karamay Campus of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Beijing Forestry University, Liaohe River Basin Water Pollution Prevention Institute of Shenyang Jianzhu University, East China University of Technology, School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Hunan University, etc.
Strategic cooperation WeChat platform
WeChat name: water8848 WeChat name: China Water Supply and Drainage WeChat name: Water Environment Ecological Circle WeChat name: Wastewater Resource Utilization
WeChat ID: cnwater8848 WeChat ID: cnww1985 WeChat ID: iwacnww WeChat ID: IWANewwater
Supporting media: China Water Supply and Drainage Magazine, China Water Industry Network (www.water8848. com), Huicong Water Industry Network, Environmental Sanitation Engineering Magazine, Environmental Protection Online, China Water Supply and Drainage Magazine Website( http://www.cnww1985.com )China Water Network, Water World - China Urban Water Network, Bigao Environmental Protection Talent Network, Asian Environmental Protection Magazine, Water Treatment Technology Magazine, etc
In order to implement the new requirements of the country for ecological civilization construction and environmental protection in economic development, the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan (referred to as the "Ten Measures for Water"), which has been brewing for many years, has been promulgated. The plan emphasizes the integrated management of water quality, quantity, and aquatic ecology, and it is expected that China's water treatment investment scale will continue to maintain a growth trend in 2024. In June 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development issued the "14th Five Year Plan for the Development of Urban Sewage Treatment and Resource Utilization" (Development, Reform and Environmental Protection [2021] No. 827), proposing that by 2025, the harmless disposal rate of urban sludge should reach over 90%; The sewage collection and treatment capacity of established towns in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, Yellow River Basin, and Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, as well as the level of harmless sludge disposal, have significantly improved. By 2035, the comprehensive harmless disposal of sludge will be achieved, the level of resource utilization of sewage sludge will be significantly improved, urban sewage will be treated safely and efficiently, and the public will share a green, ecological, and safe urban water ecological environment. As water industry enterprises enter a golden age of development, the 15th China Urban Sludge Treatment and Disposal Technology and Application Advanced Seminar (2024) will also enter a new stage of development.
In recent years, with the rapid improvement of China's sewage treatment capacity, the amount of sludge has also increased significantly.. As of the end of December 2021, the total length of urban drainage pipelines in China was 913500 kilometers, a year-on-year increase of 4.73%; The sewage treatment plant has a processing capacity of 216 million cubic meters per day, a year-on-year increase of 4.04%. In 2022, the sewage treatment rate was 98.11%, an increase of 0.22 percentage points from the previous year; The centralized collection rate of urban domestic sewage is 70.06%, an increase of 1.47 percentage points from the previous year. On December 29, 2023, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Synergy and Efficiency Enhancement of Pollution and Carbon Reduction in Wastewater Treatment", which pointed out that by 2025, the wastewater treatment industry will make positive progress in reducing pollution and carbon, and the energy efficiency level and carbon reduction capacity will continue to improve. The utilization rate of renewable water resources in water scarce cities at or above the prefecture level has reached over 25%, and 100 green and low-carbon benchmark plants for efficient recycling of energy and resources have been built for sewage treatment. The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment jointly released the Implementation Plan for Harmless Treatment and Resource Utilization of Sludge. It is proposed that by 2025, the scale of harmless treatment facilities for newly added sludge (wet sludge with a moisture content of 80%) in China will not be less than 20000 tons/day, the harmless treatment rate for urban sludge will reach over 90%, and that for prefecture level and above cities, it will reach over 95%. A comprehensive, safe, green, low-carbon, and effectively regulated sludge harmless resource treatment system will be basically formed.
Currently, the country produces over 60 million tons of sludge with an annual water content of 80% (excluding over 40 million tons of industrial sludge). By 2025, the annual production of sludge with a moisture content of 80% will reach 160 million tons (including domestic and industrial sludge). Correspondingly, the sludge treatment market will maintain a compound growth rate of over 10%, reaching a scale of over 50 billion yuan by 2025. According to research results, 70% of the sludge generated by sewage treatment plants in China has not been properly treated. The problem of arbitrary stacking of sludge and the resulting pollution and re pollution has become prominent and has attracted social attention. The attention of society has prompted the country to pay more attention to the treatment and disposal of sludge, and the country's attention has also led to the rapid development of the sludge treatment and disposal market. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development clearly requires that all regions should follow the "green, environmentally friendly, circular, and low-carbon" sludge disposal technology route, supervise the implementation of the main responsibility of urban people's governments for planning and construction, reasonably select processes, and accelerate facility construction. The drainage authorities at all levels should strengthen supervision and inspection in accordance with the law, urge sludge treatment and disposal units to strictly follow the requirements of the Urban Drainage and Wastewater Treatment Regulations, and track, record, and report the destination, use, and dosage of sludge; All illegal sludge storage points must be banned, and temporary sludge storage points that do not meet the protection requirements must be renovated to meet the standards within a specified period of time; Those who transfer, dump, or dispose of sludge in violation of relevant laws and regulations shall be strictly punished in accordance with the law. To open up the way for harmless sludge products, promote industrialization through resource utilization, and attract social capital to participate in the construction and operation of sludge treatment and disposal facilities. It has important guiding significance for the development of sludge treatment and disposal technology in China.
In order to further improve the level of sludge treatment and disposal technology in China, understand the current situation, prospects, and development trends of sludge treatment and disposal at home and abroad, and effectively achieve the requirements of harmless, reduced, stable, and resourceful sludge treatment, and avoid secondary pollution caused by this, the China Water Supply and Drainage Journal has collaborated with Shanghai Renchuang Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Haiyun Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Boyi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Zhongyao Environmental Protection Industry Co., Ltd., Hunan Dingjiu Energy Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Suez Environmental Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Tianjin Chuangye Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd., Veolia Water, China North China Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., and China Construction Technology Group Co., Ltd The International Water Association Sludge Expert Committee and other units have decided to hold the "2024 China Urban Sludge Treatment and Disposal Technology and Application Advanced Seminar (15th)". At that time, relevant unit leaders and experts will be invited to give a keynote speech at the meeting, providing answers and discussions on the implementation of standards for sludge treatment and disposal, mature processes and equipment operation experience, sludge disposal policies, and other issues. At the same time, a platform will be built for relevant units to promote new technologies, processes, and equipment for urban sludge treatment and comprehensive utilization.
This conference will invite leaders, renowned experts, scholars, engineering and technical personnel from domestic and foreign drainage industry design, research, operation, and construction units, as well as well-known institutions and enterprises at home and abroad, to attend and engage in academic exchanges.
The Chinese Journal of Water Supply and Drainage was founded in 2010 (the first edition in Qinhuangdao), 2011 (the second edition in Qingdao), 2012 (the third edition in Dalian), 2013 (the fourth edition in Shanghai), 2014 (the fifth edition in Changsha), 2015 (the sixth edition in Yixing), 2016 (the seventh edition in Tianjin), 2017 (the eighth edition in Beijing), 2018 (the ninth edition in Baoding), 2019 (the tenth edition in Shanghai), 2020 (the eleventh edition in Xi'an), 2021 (the twelfth edition in Shanghai), February 2023 (the thirteenth edition in Hangzhou), and September 2023. The 14th Shanghai Advanced Seminar on Sludge Treatment and Disposal was held in Qinhuangdao, Qingdao, Dalian, Shanghai, Changsha, Yixing, Tianjin, Beijing, Baoding, Shanghai, Xi'an, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Shanghai. This is the 15th seminar, With everyone's concern and support, it has become the most influential and largest sludge treatment and disposal industry conference in the industry.
1、 Principles and objectives of the operation of the conference
This conference highlights the characteristics of "innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing" in accordance with the requirements of specialization, high standards, and high-level. Inviting renowned experts, scholars, and representatives from major units in various research directions of sludge treatment and disposal to host the largest and most professional industry event in China. Co creation, symbiosis, and win-win - Strive to build a core brand ecosystem for sludge treatment and disposal in China.
2、 Format of the conference
This conference will mainly focus on conference discussions and exchanges (about 60 expert reports), with on-site visits to typical projects as auxiliary forms.
3、 Topic for soliciting papers and technical reports:
1. Overview and planning design of urban sludge treatment and disposal in various regions (introduction of engineering information and engineering examples).
2. Interpretation of technical standards and policy exploration for urban sludge treatment and disposal.
3. Design experience of sludge treatment in urban sewage treatment plants.
4. Research and process selection of sludge treatment and disposal technology.
5. Exploration of sludge treatment and disposal technology and management experience.
6. Sludge Biocomposting and Land Use Technology and Engineering Examples.
7. Research and application of sludge drying technology in urban sewage treatment plants.
8. Fluidized bed sludge incinerator technology and its application.
9. Application examples of co firing urban sludge in industrial fields such as thermal power plants and cement plants.
10. Anaerobic fermentation of sludge/industrial biogas production technology and equipment.
11. Medium temperature anaerobic digestion technology and equipment for sludge.

12. Sludge solidification and stabilization technology and equipment.
13. Domestic and foreign sludge treatment and disposal technology and engineering examples, design experience, debugging, operation management experience, etc.
14. Efficient sludge dewatering technology and equipment.
15. Sludge conveying technology and equipment.
16. Research report and market analysis on sludge treatment and disposal technology in urban sewage treatment plants.
17. Treatment and disposal of sludge from water treatment plants.
18. Industrial sludge treatment and disposal/Industrial park sewage sludge treatment and disposal/Village sewage sludge treatment and resource utilization.  
19. The overall idea and investment hotspots of the national 13th Five Year Plan for the construction of urban sludge treatment and disposal facilities.
20. Sludge dry distillation, sludge carbonization, sludge reduction and resource utilization technology.
21. Treatment and engineering cases of river and lake sediment, black and odorous water bodies, and pond sewage sludge.
22. Upgrading and renovation technology and engineering cases for sludge treatment and disposal.
23. Smart water management, smart environmental protection, smart sludge treatment and disposal, etc.
24. Compilation of a directory of Chinese sewage sludge comprehensive treatment investment and operation management companies (institutions), design institutes (companies), general contracting companies, process technology professional companies, equipment, material, pharmaceutical suppliers, and other units.
25. Exhibition, exchange, and docking of youth innovative technological achievements, patents, solutions, etc. (utilizing conference proceedings, websites, WeChat platforms, on-site exhibition boards, etc.).
26. Policies, standards, technologies, and cases related to sustainable and high-quality development of waste free urban environments.
27. Interpretation of policies such as the 2035 Urban Water Industry Development Plan Outline.
28. Other related topics (such as deodorization, leachate treatment, comprehensive water environment management, etc.).
Invitation letter and report paper collection for the 15th Advanced Symposium on Urban Sludge Treatment and Disposal Technology and Application of China Water Supply and Drainage in 2024
Simultaneously held: Solid Waste and Industrial Sludge Treatment and Disposal Conference (Urban+Industrial Sludge Collaborative Disposal)
Garbage Leachate Treatment Conference
High concentration and difficult to degrade industrial wastewater conference
Water and Environmental Protection Group New Quality Productivity Development Conference
Time: September 8-11
Location: Guangzhou
Report consultation: Wang Lingquan 13752275003 (same as WeChat)
Responsible person: Jin Sheng 18622273726 (same as WeChat)
Sun Lei 13702113519 (same as WeChat)
Invitation for Technical Report of China Water Supply and Drainage 2024 Conference
Welcome experts from industry management units, universities, research institutions, design institutes, engineering general contracting (EPC) companies, water groups, water (drainage) management, sludge treatment and resource utilization, industrial (park) sewage and sludge treatment, solid waste treatment and resource utilization, garbage leachate treatment, sewage treatment plants, comprehensive water environment treatment, black and odorous water treatment, smart water management, sewage resource utilization (recycled water) utilization, and industrial enterprises to apply for speeches and give excellent reports related to the conference theme. 【 Wang Lingquan 13752275003 Hosted, Co organized, Reported, etc.; Inviting Technical Reports for China Water Supply and Drainage 2024 Sludge Conference (15th) and Sewage Conference (8th, Hefei) 】
1. Forward and gift China Water Supply and Drainage Electronic Journal!! Live lottery for 100 Chinese electronic journals on water supply and drainage!!
2. The top 20 people on the live broadcast invitation list can apply to participate in the China Water Supply and Drainage 2024 Urban Sludge Treatment and Treatment Technology and Application Advanced Seminar (15th) for free, or apply to participate in the China Water Supply and Drainage 2024 Sewage Conference (8th, Hefei) for free. Awards and conference contacts: Jin Sheng 18622273726 (same WeChat account), Sun Lei (advertising, display, etc.) 137 0211 3519. Awards and Conference Contact: Jin Sheng 18622273726 (same WeChat account), Sun Lei (advertisement, display, etc.) 137 0211 3519
Inviting Technical Reports for the 2024 China Water Supply and Drainage Conference (including the 9th Sewage Thousand People Conference and the 15th Sludge Thousand People Conference, which are currently being collected), forwarding and presenting China Water Supply and Drainage Electronic Journal!! Live lottery
The technical report of the China Water Supply and Drainage Sludge Thousand People Conference is currently being collected!
Multiple typical visiting projects and a thousand academician experts conference are waiting for you! See you in Guangzhou from September 8th to 11th!
Contact information of the organizing committee
Wang Lingquan 13752275003 (organizer, co organizer, technical report application, etc.)
Jin Sheng (booth invoice and room reservation, etc.) 18622273726
Yu Jinglin (accountant) 138 2116 5596
Sun Lei (Advertising, Display, etc.) 137 0211 3519
Ren Yingying (submission, etc.) 151 2236 0102
Ding Caijuan (submission, etc.) 13502042821
Liu Guichun (submission, etc.) 137 5214 4199
Shen Jingyi (submission, PPT, etc.) 13114952784
Wei Tianhang (PPT) 18222656698
Wen Kai (sending materials, etc.) 138 2135 7475
Phone: 022-27835639 27835592 13752275003
E-mail:  745105304@qq.com  ;   cnwater@vip.163.com
Fax: 022-27835592
Postal Code: 300070
Address: 21st Floor, Urban Garden Building, No. 52 Xinxing Road, Heping District, Tianjin
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核心期刊:中國(guó)給水排水》繼續(xù)入編北大《中文核心期刊要目總覽》 中國(guó)給水排水核心科技期刊 直播丨《城鎮(zhèn)供水管網(wǎng)漏損控制及評(píng)定標(biāo)準(zhǔn)》宣貫會(huì) 直播時(shí)間:2023年12月27日 09:30—11:00 2023-12-27 12:00:00 開始
【直播】【第五屆水利學(xué)科發(fā)展前沿學(xué)術(shù)研討會(huì)】王浩院士:從流域視角看城市洪澇治理與海綿城市建設(shè) 先進(jìn)水技術(shù)博覽(Part 13)|水回用安全保障的高效監(jiān)測(cè)技術(shù)
中國(guó)城鎮(zhèn)供水排水協(xié)會(huì)城鎮(zhèn)水環(huán)境專業(yè)委員會(huì)2023年年會(huì)暨換屆大會(huì) 直播時(shí)間:2023年12月16日(周六)08:30—18:00 2023-12-16 08:30:00 開始 第二屆歐洲華人生態(tài)與環(huán)境青年學(xué)者論壇-水環(huán)境專題 直播時(shí)間:2023年12月9日(周六)16:00—24:00 2023-12-09 16:00:00 開始
JWPE網(wǎng)絡(luò)報(bào)告:綜述論文寫作的一點(diǎn)體會(huì) 直播時(shí)間:2023年11月30日(星期四)19:00 2023-11-30 19:00:00 開始 WaterInsight第9期丨強(qiáng)志民研究員:紫外線水消毒技術(shù) 再生水
水域生態(tài)學(xué)高端論壇(2023)熱帶亞熱帶水生態(tài)工程教育部工程研究中心技術(shù)委員會(huì)會(huì)議 直播時(shí)間:2023年11月29日(周三) 09:00—17:40 2023-11-29 09:00:00 開始 中國(guó)給水排水直播:智慧水務(wù)與科技創(chuàng)新高峰論壇 直播時(shí)間:2023年11月25日(周六) 13:30 2023-11-25 13:30:00 開始
中國(guó)水協(xié)團(tuán)體標(biāo)準(zhǔn)《城鎮(zhèn)污水資源與能源回收利用技術(shù)規(guī)程》宣貫會(huì)通知 中國(guó)城鎮(zhèn)供水排水協(xié)會(huì) 2023年11月14日9:00線上舉行直播/JWPE網(wǎng)絡(luò)報(bào)告:提高飲用水安全性:應(yīng)對(duì)新的影響并識(shí)別重要的毒性因素
直播主題:“對(duì)癥下藥”解決工業(yè)園區(qū)污水處理難題   報(bào)告人:陳智  蘇伊士亞洲 技術(shù)推廣經(jīng)理 直播時(shí)間:2023年11月2日(周四)14:00—16:00 2023-11-02 14:00:00 開始 10月29日·上海|市政環(huán)境治理與水環(huán)境可持續(xù)發(fā)展論壇
BEST第十五期|徐祖信 院士 :長(zhǎng)江水環(huán)境治理關(guān)鍵      直播時(shí)間:2023年10月26日(周四)20:00—22:00 2023-10-26 20:00:00 開始 《水工藝工程雜志》系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)報(bào)告|學(xué)術(shù)論文寫作之我見 直播時(shí)間:2023年10月19日(周四)19:00 2023-10-19 19:00:00 開始
污水處理廠污泥減量技術(shù)研討會(huì) 直播時(shí)間:2023年10月20日13:30-17:30 2023-10-20 13:30:00 開始 技術(shù)沙龍 | 先進(jìn)水技術(shù)博覽(Part 12) 直播時(shí)間:10月14日(周六)上午10:00-12:00 2023-10-14 10:00:00 開始
直播題目:蘇伊士污泥焚燒及零碳足跡概念污泥廠 主講人:程忠紅 蘇伊士亞洲 技術(shù)推廣經(jīng)理  內(nèi)容包括: 1.	SUEZ污泥業(yè)務(wù)產(chǎn)品介紹 2.	全球不同焚燒項(xiàng)目介紹 3.	上海浦東污泥焚燒項(xiàng)目及運(yùn)營(yíng)情況 中國(guó)給水排水第十四屆中國(guó)污泥千人大會(huì)參觀項(xiàng)目之一:上海浦東新區(qū)污水廠污泥處理處置工程
《水工藝工程雜志》系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)報(bào)告 直播時(shí)間:2023年9月26日 16:00  王曉昌  愛思唯爾期刊《水工藝工程雜志》(Journal of Water Process Engineering)共同主 中國(guó)給水排水2024年污水處理廠提標(biāo)改造(污水處理提質(zhì)增效)高級(jí)研討會(huì)(第八屆)邀請(qǐng)函暨征稿啟事  同期召開中國(guó)給水排水2024年排水管網(wǎng)大會(huì)  (水環(huán)境綜合治理)  同期召開中國(guó)給水排水 2024年
海綿城市標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化產(chǎn)業(yè)化建設(shè)的關(guān)鍵內(nèi)容 結(jié)合項(xiàng)目案例,詳細(xì)介紹海綿城市建設(shè)的目標(biāo)、技術(shù)體系及標(biāo)準(zhǔn)體系,探討關(guān)鍵技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化產(chǎn)業(yè)化建設(shè)的路徑,提出我國(guó)海綿城市建設(shè)的發(fā)展方向。 報(bào)告題目:《城鎮(zhèn)智慧水務(wù)技術(shù)指南》   中國(guó)給水排水直播平臺(tái): 主講人簡(jiǎn)介:  簡(jiǎn)德武,教授級(jí)高級(jí)工程師,現(xiàn)任中國(guó)市政工程中南設(shè)計(jì)研究總院黨委委員、副院長(zhǎng),總院技術(shù)委員會(huì)副主任委員、信息技術(shù)委員會(huì)副主
第一輪通知 | 國(guó)際水協(xié)第18屆可持續(xù)污泥技術(shù)與管理會(huì)議 主辦單位:國(guó)際水協(xié),中國(guó)科學(xué)院  聯(lián)合主辦單位:《中國(guó)給水排水》雜志社 等 技術(shù)沙龍 | 先進(jìn)水技術(shù)博覽(Part 11) 直播時(shí)間:8月19日(周六)上午10:00-12:00 2023-08-19 10:00:00  廣東匯祥環(huán)境科技有限公司  湛蛟  技術(shù)總監(jiān)  天津萬(wàn)
中國(guó)水業(yè)院士論壇-中國(guó)給水排水直播平臺(tái)(微信公眾號(hào)cnww1985):自然—社會(huì)水循環(huán)與水安全學(xué)術(shù)研討會(huì) WaterInsight第7期丨掀浪:高鐵酸鉀氧化技術(shù)的機(jī)理新認(rèn)知及應(yīng)用 直播時(shí)間:2023年8月5日(周六)上午10:00-11:00 2023-08-05 10:00:00 開始
直播:“一泓清水入黃河”之山西省再生水產(chǎn)業(yè)化發(fā)展專題講座 直播時(shí)間:2023年7月23日(周日 )08:00-12:00 2023-07-23 08:00:00 開始 珊氮自養(yǎng)反硝化深度脫氮技術(shù)推介會(huì) 直播時(shí)間:2023年7月21日(周五)
歐仁環(huán)境顛覆性技術(shù):污水廠擴(kuò)容“加速跑”(原有設(shè)施不動(dòng),污水處理規(guī)模擴(kuò)容1倍!出水水質(zhì)達(dá)地表水準(zhǔn)IV類標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。苿(dòng)污水治理提質(zhì)增效。  誠(chéng)征全國(guó)各地污水廠提標(biāo)擴(kuò)容工程需求方(水務(wù)集團(tuán)、BOT公司、設(shè) 直播預(yù)告|JWPE網(wǎng)絡(luò)報(bào)告:自然系統(tǒng)中難降解污染物去除的物化與生化作用及水回用安全保障 中國(guó)給水排水
直播題目: 高排放標(biāo)準(zhǔn)下污水中難降解COD的去除技術(shù)     報(bào)告人:蘇伊士亞洲 技術(shù)推廣經(jīng)理 程忠紅 WaterTalk|王凱軍:未來(lái)新水務(wù) 一起向未來(lái)  For and Beyond Water 中國(guó)環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)會(huì)水處理與回用專業(yè)委員會(huì)以網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議形式舉辦“水與發(fā)展縱論”(WaterTalk)系列學(xué)術(shù)報(bào)
5月18日下午 14:00—16:00 直播  題目: 高密度沉淀池技術(shù)的迭代更新 主講人: 程忠紅 蘇伊士亞洲 技術(shù)推廣經(jīng)理  大綱:  高密池技術(shù)原理 不同型號(hào)高密池的差異和應(yīng)用區(qū)別 高密池與其他 BEST|綠色低碳科技前沿與創(chuàng)新發(fā)展--中國(guó)工程院院士高翔教授  直播時(shí)間:2023年4月30日 14:00—16:00 2023-04-30 14:00:00 開始
日照:“碳”尋鄉(xiāng)村振興“綠色密碼”  鳳凰網(wǎng)山東    鄉(xiāng)村生態(tài)宜居,鄉(xiāng)村振興的底色才會(huì)更亮。我市堅(jiān)持鄉(xiāng)村建設(shè)與后續(xù)管護(hù)并重,市、區(qū)、鎮(zhèn)聯(lián) BEST論壇講座報(bào)告第十三期(cnwww1985):全球碳預(yù)算和未來(lái)全球碳循環(huán)的不穩(wěn)定性風(fēng)險(xiǎn) The global carbon budget and risks of futur
國(guó)際水協(xié)IWA 3月17日直播:3月17日 國(guó)際水協(xié)IWA創(chuàng)新項(xiàng)目獎(jiǎng)PIA獲獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)目介紹分享會(huì) 直播時(shí)間:2023年3月17日 9:00—11:30 2023-03-17 09:00:00 開始 中國(guó)給水排水直播:云中漫步-融合大數(shù)據(jù)、人工智能及云計(jì)算的威立雅智慧水務(wù)系統(tǒng)Hubgrade 直播時(shí)間:2023年3月15日
中國(guó)給水排水直播平臺(tái)會(huì)議通知 | 2023污泥處理處置技術(shù)與應(yīng)用高峰論壇(清華大學(xué)王凱軍教授團(tuán)隊(duì)等) 中國(guó)污水千人大會(huì)參觀項(xiàng)目之一: 云南合續(xù)環(huán)境科技股份有限公司  ?谑形鞅捞端|(zhì)凈化中心
中國(guó)給水排水 Water Insight直播:劉銳平  清華大學(xué) 環(huán)境學(xué)院 教授 博士生導(dǎo)師—高濃度硝酸鹽廢水反硝化脫氮過程強(qiáng)化原理與應(yīng)用 會(huì)議時(shí)間:2023.1.7(周六)10:00—11:00 智慧水務(wù)的工程全生命周期實(shí)踐分享 直播時(shí)間:2023年1月6日 15:00-16:00 對(duì)話嘉賓:竇秋萍  華霖富水利環(huán)境技術(shù)咨詢(上海)有限公司  總經(jīng)理 主持人:李德橋   歐特克軟件(中國(guó))有限
蘇伊士 直播時(shí)間:12月30日14:00-16:00直播題目:污泥處理處置的“因地制宜和因泥制宜” 主講人:程忠紅,蘇伊士亞洲  技術(shù)推廣經(jīng)理 特邀嘉賓:劉波 中國(guó)市政工程西南設(shè)計(jì)研究總院二院總工 教 蘇伊士 直播時(shí)間:12月27日14:00-16:00;復(fù)雜原水水質(zhì)下的飲用水解決方案    陳智,蘇伊士亞洲,技術(shù)推廣經(jīng)理,畢業(yè)于香港科技大學(xué)土木與環(huán)境工程系,熟悉市政及工業(yè)的給水及污水處理,對(duì)蘇伊士
曲久輝  中國(guó)工程院院士,美國(guó)國(guó)家工程院外籍院士,發(fā)展中國(guó)家科學(xué)院院士;清華大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院特聘教授、博士生導(dǎo)師;中國(guó)科學(xué)院生態(tài)環(huán)境研究中心研究員 基于模擬仿真的污水處理廠數(shù)字化與智慧化:現(xiàn)狀與未來(lái) 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月28日(周三)9:30—12:00
2022城鎮(zhèn)溢流污染控制高峰論壇|聚焦雨季溢流污染控制的技術(shù)應(yīng)用與推廣 中國(guó)給水排水 王愛杰 哈爾濱工業(yè)大學(xué)教授,國(guó)家杰青,長(zhǎng)江學(xué)者,國(guó)家 領(lǐng)軍人才:廣州大學(xué)學(xué)術(shù)講座|低碳水質(zhì)凈化技術(shù)及實(shí)踐 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月18日 9:30
國(guó)際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月15日 20:00—22:00 德國(guó)專場(chǎng)直播主題:2022 中國(guó)沼氣學(xué)術(shù)年會(huì)暨中德沼氣合作論壇 2022 中國(guó)沼氣學(xué)術(shù)年會(huì)暨中德沼氣合作論壇德國(guó)專場(chǎng) 時(shí)間:2022年12月20日  下午 15:00—17:00(北京時(shí)間)
2022中國(guó)沼氣學(xué)會(huì)學(xué)術(shù)年會(huì)暨第十二屆中德沼氣合作論壇的主論壇將于12月15日下午2點(diǎn)召開 技術(shù)交流 | 德國(guó)污水處理廠 計(jì)算系列規(guī)程使用介紹 城建水業(yè)
WaterInsight首期丨王志偉教授:膜法水處理技術(shù)面臨的機(jī)遇與挑戰(zhàn) 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月10日 10:00—11:00 處理工藝專場(chǎng)|水業(yè)大講堂之六——城市供水直飲安全和智慧提質(zhì) 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月8日 8:30—12:15
建設(shè)管理專場(chǎng)|水業(yè)大講堂之六——城市供水直飲安全和智慧提質(zhì) 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月7日 14:00—17:15 國(guó)際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月8日 20:00—22:00
Training Course for Advanced Research & Development of Constructed Wetland Wastewater Treatment Tech 12月3日|2022IWA中國(guó)漏損控制高峰論壇 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月3日(周六)9:00—17:00 2022-12-03 09:00:00 開始
國(guó)際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議(第八期) 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月1日 20:00—22:00 2022-12-01 20:00:00 開始 中國(guó)給水排水直播:智慧輸配專場(chǎng)|水業(yè)大講堂之六——城市供水直飲安全和智慧提質(zhì) 直播時(shí)間:2022年11月30日 14:00—17:05 2022-11-30 14:00:00 開始
國(guó)際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議(第七期) 直播時(shí)間:2022年11月25日 20:00—22:00 2022-11-25 20:00:00 開始 國(guó)標(biāo)圖集22HM001-1《海綿城市建設(shè)設(shè)計(jì)示例(一)》首次宣貫會(huì)   直播時(shí)間:2022年11月24日 13:30—17:30
中國(guó)給水排水直播平臺(tái) 【 李玉友,日本國(guó)立東北大學(xué)工學(xué)院土木與環(huán)境工程系教授,博導(dǎo),注冊(cè)工程師】顆粒污泥工藝的研究和應(yīng)用:從UASB到新型高效脫氮和磷回收 中國(guó)建科成立70周年|市政基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施綠色低碳發(fā)展高峰論壇   直播時(shí)間:2022年11月22日 13:30—18:25   2022-11-22 13:30:00 開始
國(guó)際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議(第六期)   直播時(shí)間:2022年11月22日 20:00—22:00 會(huì)議預(yù)告| 國(guó)際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議(第五期) 中國(guó)給水排水
奮進(jìn)七十載 起航新征程|中國(guó)市政華北院第十屆科技工作會(huì)議暨慶祝建院七十周年大會(huì)  直播時(shí)間:2022年11月18日 9:30   2022-11-18 09:00:00 開始 樊明遠(yuǎn):中國(guó)城市水業(yè)的效率和服務(wù)要做一個(gè)規(guī)范     樊明遠(yuǎn) 世界銀行高級(jí)工程師
黃綿松  北京首創(chuàng)生態(tài)環(huán)保集團(tuán)股份有限公司智慧環(huán)保事業(yè)部總經(jīng)理,正高級(jí)工程師  獲清華大學(xué)博士學(xué)位:海綿城市系統(tǒng)化運(yùn)維的挑戰(zhàn)與實(shí)踐  直播時(shí)間:2022年11月16日 18:30  黃綿松  北京 全國(guó)節(jié)水高新技術(shù)成果展云端活動(dòng)周尋水路  污水回用專場(chǎng)      轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)直播贈(zèng)送  中國(guó)給水排水電子期刊  !。  直播抽獎(jiǎng) 100份 中國(guó)給水排水電子期刊  !。